EATS: Beer, an assortment of BBQ, cocktails, beer, frozen yoghurt from 16 Handles, beer, a selection of salads and hot food from Wholefoods, crackers and hommus, cocktails, burger, fries and banana split sundae from Sugar Factory, beer, Ruben sandwich and pickles from Katz's Deli. (FYI, that's 3 days worth of food - I'm not that massive)
SHOPS: Top from Uniqlo.
MOOD: Giddy.

So it's been like 3 days since I last blogged BUT I swear I have a great excuse; JACS IS HERE!

Most people don't know who Jacs is but to me, Jacs is that person you tell everything to. The person you know will somehow understand you even when they can't relate. She is a shoulder to cry on and more importantly the person you can piss yourselves with. Essentially, she is my 'Grace'. And so fitting to call her that when we are both in New York at the same time!

So fashion week came to an end.. FINALLY! And to kick off the time off, Jacs and beautiful Mikey arrived. It's so good to have them here - I miss the talks of bowel movements and odd period pains. Of course, on their first day, I take them shopping and big American BBQ - standard. The last few days have basically been the same, just swap BBQ with burger every now and then. They have also been fuelled by alcohol and more alcohol, so much so that I am writing this blog while being extremely hung over.

We celebrated Jacs' birthday last night by heading to The Back Room - an old speakeasy from the prohibition days. It was a whole lot of Melbourne in a corner with my old friends Jacs and Mikey meeting my new friends Jas and Tim. Two words on The Back Room: STRONG GROG! And the rest is history. Afterwards, we hit up Katz's Deli for a late night binge and boy was that a brilliant idea. Meat on top of meat, with melted cheese and in-between bread.. #revelation

Of course, I wake up with a rocking headache this morning but do the right thing and go for a run along Hudson river. Of course, by the time I had run from my apartment to the Hudson (approx. 5 min walk-2 min run) I felt so ill that I vommed right into the Hudson. I persevered and was able to sweat out a decent amount of alcohol and deep fried goodness. I still feel like shit though.

My food in take since the kids arriving has sky-rocketed so today I'm taking a break.. until dinner. I'm thinking a beer and some good old festival food down at Mulberry St.

I would have written more but I'm still dying right now so I'll save my energy for another day!

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